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Classic House Design Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
a design classic is anindustriallymanufactured object with timeless aesthetic value. Itserves as astandard of its kind and remains up to date regardlessof the yearof its design. Whether a particular object is a designclassicmight often be debatable and the term is sometimes abusedbut thereexists a body of acknowledged classics of product designsfrom the19th and 20th century. For an object to become a designclassicrequires time, and whatever lasting impact the design hashad onsociety, together with its influence on later designs, playlargeroles in determining whether something becomes a designclassic.Thus, design classics are often strikingly simple, going totheessence, and are described with words like iconic, neat,valuableor having meaning.Home design with a classic feel today has attracted a lotofinterest from people who want to build a private house. Homedesignwith a classic feel to have its own aesthetic value to thosewholove the classic feel.This application will present an overview of some homedesignclassic shades are of course very beautiful to behold.
Popular African Fashion Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
African fashion is the traditionalfashion,often vibrantly coloured, worn by the people of Africa. Insomeinstances these traditional garments have been replaced bywesternfashion introduced by European colonialists. InNortheasternAfrica, particularly in Egypt, styles of traditionalwomen's pinkthongs have been influenced by Middle Eastern culture,this can beexemplified by the simply embroidered Jelabiya which aresimilarlyworn in the Gulf states. The Northwest Africans are lessinfluencedby foreign elements and have remained more in antiquity.TheDjellaba (worn in Northwest Africa) shares similar propertieswiththe Grand boubou, the Dashiki, and the Senegalese kaftan.inNigeria women were head ties In Sahelian Africa, thedashiki,Senegalese kaftan, and the grand boubou are worn moreprominently,though not exclusively (the Bògòlanfini, for instance,is worn inMali). The dashiki is highly stylized and is renderedwith anornate V-shaped collar. In contrast the grand boubou issimpler,even more so than the djellaba, though the color designsreachimpressive proportions, especially among the Tuareg, who areknownfor their beautifully dyed indigo robes.In East Africa, the kanzu is the traditional dress worn bySwahilispeaking men. Women wear the kanga and the gomesie.In Southern Africa distinctive shirts are worn, like thelongdresses they wear. For instance, South Africa is known fortheMadiba shirt, whereas, Zimbabwe is known for thesafarishirt.In the Horn of Africa, the attire varies by country. InEthiopia,men wear the Ethiopian suit and women wear the habeshakemis. InSomalia, men wear the khameez with a small cap calledakoofiyad.
Birthday Flower Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
When it comes to finding a birthdaypresent,all too often people think about everything but flowers.Whilethere are some who don't like flowers, and some who areallergic topollen, on the whole, flowers can make a truly specialbirthdaygift. Not only are they beautiful, but they can last fordays oreven weeks for the cut variety, and a potted plant canlastindefinitely, depending on how skilled the recipient iswithgardening.Since birthdays are generally a festive time, even for thosewhohave one of those dreaded -ty years like forty or fifty,givingbirthday flowers can be something special. Another way tothinkabout giving flowers for a birthday is to make it as publicaspossible. Why not send an arrangement to their workplacesoeveryone gets to see the day is their birthday? With all thegreatflowers available, and all the neat arrangements florists canmakewith Mylar balloons, having a huge, ostentatious andoutlandishflower arrangement sent to their workplace can be realblast.On a more serious note, giving Mom or Grandma plants andflowerson their birthdays shows them that you care. If they like togardenor have good houseplant skills, then you'll have given them agiftthat keeps on giving. Every time they look at it or tend toit,they'll think of you and how much you care because you gave themabirthday flower.And giving a spouse flowers on their birthday shows you careaswell. For the husbands, it makes a great gift to be givenbecauseit shows her that he didn't forget her birthday this year.And, ofcourse, it makes a great gift to be gotten by the wifebecause shesees that he really does pay attention. When it comes togiving andreceiving birthday flowers from your spouse, there reallyis nobetter gift, even though that lawn tractor really is agreatdeal.All in all, finding a gift for someone's birthday can presentachallenge. But by choosing to give flowers and plants as abirthdaygift, not only are you giving something that is reallygoing toshow you care and how much you appreciate them, but you'regivingsomething they will truly enjoy. Take a look at all theonlineresources available to see which flowers will be the bestbirthdayflowers you a give.Sending birthday flowers is the perfect way to show someoneyoucare about them on their special day. Lillee McLoflin loves tosendflowers for virtually every occasion. When it came time tofindsomething for her boss's birthday, she found some flowers formenthat were perfect for his big day. And she knows that with justaclick of her mouse, she can send them anywhere, anytime
DIY Phone Cases 1.0
Retry Production
In these days of modern technology weareinundated with electrical devices to keep us in touch with thenewsand allow us to stay in close contact with our friends andfamily.No gadget is more important to us than our cell phone;whenever wego out our cell phone comes too!Most people want their mobile phone to be unique, so theycandifferentiate it from the masses. With this in mind, themostcommon course of action is to try and find a ring tone that nooneelse they know has, or cover their phone with a customizablecaseor a personalized skin.With so much music available for download, creating yourownunique ring tone is easy, but when it comes to phone casesandskins, lots of us often come across friends whose cellphonesfeature the same designs.The greatest benefit of a custom phone case or skin is theymakeit easy for anyone to think up and make their own uniquedesignsthat they can be certain no one else will have. The otherthingpersonalized phone accessories provide us with is a terrificgiftidea for hard to buy for people.Snazzy phone cases and skins are already commonly usedaspresents for men, women and children of all ages, but aspreviouslymentioned, all to often, you bump into others with thesame designas yours. Pre-made phone cases normally cost in excessof $25,while it's not uncommon for quality skins to cost $18 ormore.When you make a comparison of the cost of ready-made casesandskins with their fully customizable cousins, it makes evenmoresense to create your own personalized phone accessories; ifyoulook around, you can find quality customizable cases foraround$18, while custom skins are freely available for around $16orso.Based on this why would anyone want to pay more for thesamemass-produced product that thousands of others alreadyhave?So if you really want to make your cell phone stand out fromthecrowd, why not dress it up in its own designer clothing bygivingit a customized case or skin featuring your own one of akinddesign?Do it yourself phone cases and skins can be whatever youwantthem to be; you can customize them in any color you want,designthem with your favorite photos or if you are a smallbusinessowner, with your company logo. One thing's for sure though,if youpersonalize a cell phone case or skin with your own photosanddesigns, it will definitely be a one of a kind!In addition to being fun to design and create, customizedcellphone accessories make great gift ideas for men, women andchildrenof all ages.Some of the more common designs for ladies include picturesoftheir children, or for grand mothers, photos of theirgrandchildren. For daughters and girlfriends photos oftheirboyfriends.For men, popular designs include photos of kids, the golfclublogo or if they are into collectors cars, maybe a photo oftheirpride and joy. Boyfriends are always happy with a case orskinfeaturing a stunning photo of their girlfriend.
DIY Refashion Dress 1.0
Retry Production
Refashioning clothes is a huge trend atthemoment. It is both an economical and eco friendly way to keepyourwardrobe up to date and even better it is a great way ofcreatingunique and individual clothes that no one else will have.Recyclingis already big news with recent years seeing a surge inthe salesof second hand and vintage clothes as well as thephenomena ofclothes swapping. By refashioning second hand andvintage clothes,fashionistas are taking it one step further andgetting fresh,innovative and up to the minute clothes. Refashioningclothes isalso great fun.When you refashion your wardrobe, you just need to takeanyclothes that you no longer wear and change them into somethingthatyou will wear. For each piece that you no longer wear, you needtothink about why you don't wear it and what would make youmorelikely to wear it. For example, if you are just bored with anitemof clothing, you could make it more interesting by embellishingit,if you feel it is out of date, you could change the styletosomething more current, if it no longer fits you or is damagedinsome way, you may want to deconstruct it and then make itintosomething completely different.Dying or bleaching - You can change the colour of a garmentbydying or bleaching it. There are a variety of techniques thatcanbe used to create patterns using bleach or dyes.Shortening - you can shorten or remove sleeves, cut off jeansandshorten a dress to become a top. Depending on the look that youaretrying to achieve, you can either leave the shortened edges raworhem or finish them.Cutting - cutting is a great way to restyle t shirts. You cancutout the neckline and cut slashes across the t shirt.Embellishing - There are countless ways that you can embellishagarment including beading, adding trims like lace, appliqué,andembroidery.Fitting - a piece of clothing that does not fit properly canbealtered to make it fit perfectly.Deconstructing and reconstructing - For those with moreadvancedsewing and dressmaking skills, a piece of clothing can beturnedinto something completely different by taking it apart andusingthe fabric or trims to create another piece of clothing.There are so many ways that you can refashion clothes to createareally original wardrobe. You will be helping to reduce theevergrowing problem of landfill and saving yourself money. Youroutfitswill definitely be right on trend.
Simple Wood Craft 1.0
Retry Production
Country wood crafts have found a placeinrecent years in many homes that have very little otherwise intheway of country decor. Many different types of crafts have shownupin droves, from the simple things such as plaques andwickerbaskets, to much more complex carvings and such. There is abeautyto country wood crafts which goes beyond their obviousqualities.Something in the way they are constructed makes a welcomeplaquefeel truly welcoming, or a handmade carving of a bear morethanjust shaped wood, but truly as majestic and powerful asthecreature it depicts. While it is impossible to truly explainwhythis is the case, there can be no doubt that it is true.If you want to bring a sense of welcome to your own home,thereis nothing that does so quite as well as a welcoming plaque.It cancarry nearly any message or image you desire, and is probablythesimplest of all country wood crafts. However, despite beingsosimple, it can have a great deal of impact on yourhome,particularly if you choose a message that has a specialmeaning toyou and your family.Like all country wood crafts, the first thing you will needforyour project is wood. The wood you use does not really matterallthat much, apart from the size of the piece. It can be in anyshapeyou want, although leaving it in the natural shape it is cutinwill give your end result a little bit of an extra rustic feel.Youcan get this kind of wood from many craft supply stores, inanumber of different varieties. Or, if you are so inclined,youcould simply cut a piece of wood from a tree or a fairlythickbranch to use for your project. Be sure the piece you cut islargeenough to hold the message you intend to use.Once you have your piece cut out, sand the front surfacesmooth(this is particularly important, because your painting willlookrather odd if the surface is not fairly smooth.) You may choosetoremove the ring of bark around the outside of your piece, orleaveit in place, whichever seems more appealing to you. Also, besurethe thickness of your piece is uniform, as any slant will causeitto hang poorly when put up on a wall.The last stage of your adventure in country wood crafts is toaddyour message. For this, you can simply paint on yourwords,pictures, or whatever else you like by freehand if youareparticularly artistically inclined. If you are not, however,thereis no need to fear. Simply type out whatever words you want touseon a computer (an odd tool for country wood crafts, butusefulnonetheless,) in a nice font, print it out and use a penciltocover the back of the paper, and place it on the wood. Bytracingaround the letters, you will leave a pencil line on the woodbelow,which you can then fill in with paint.
Nail Manicure Tutorials 1.0
Retry Production
Even beginners can create unique nailartdesigns using stamping kits like Konad and Salon Express, andstartsaving money over expensive salon trips.Konad and Salon Express are the most popular brands ofstampingkits today and while getting a design manicure done at yourlocalsalons has its advantages, like the feeling of being pampered,itcan also come with a hefty price tag depending on the typeofdesigns you're having done.For women, nails may be one of the most noticed parts ofourbodies. Whether you are talking with somebody or just doingsomework, your nails will always catch the attention of peoplearoundyou.Appearances matter a lot with nails; at the very least it isveryimportant to have healthy, clean nails. But today you can doevenmore, like having nail art designs applied to your nails thatareuniquely yours.Nail stamping kits are just one way to get uniqueandsalon-looking designs quickly and easily. Now one advantageofgoing to a salon to have a technician either freehand or by usingastencil and air-brush, apply unique nail designs to your nailsisthat the technician is able to use both hands to work onyourhands. The art may come out looking more defined andprofessionalas well. But on the other hand, it can start costingyou a lot ofbucks to keep it up.Enter the latest craze, nail stamping kits, offeringevenbeginner nail artist an inexpensive way to have nearlyprofessionallooking nail designs but without the expense of asalon, designsthat be changed every day if you want!Stamping kits, whether you buy the higher end Konad, themiddleend Salon Express, or just a simple cheap stamper with acouple ofplates and get the rest of the plates from online stores,nailstamping is an inexpensive and fun way to learn a new techniqueforyour own look of nail designs.Each kit provides the directions how to use the tools and youcanfind countless nail design tutorials on YouTube if you'd ratherbeshown how to do it, like the videos below. And the resultsarenothing less than fabulous, giving you beautiful nails inrecordtime without having to drive to a salon and wait yourturn.The styles and amounts of designs that you can get withnailstamping kits and extra stamping plates are similar designs towhatyou can get at your local salon, but without the wait andwithoutthe price tag.These stamping kits also give you the opportunity to createyourown nail designs, which you can change whenever you want. Thewholeprocess takes just minutes and produces professional lookingnailsfrom the comfort of your own home and with no additionalexpensewhen you want to change your designs.You can create fun and unique nail art designs in justthreequick and easy steps - apply polish to the image plate, stampit,and transfer it to your nails. You can stamp the designsonartificial or natural nails too. Use different color nailpolisheson a variety of images to create colorful one-of-a-kinddesigns onyour nails.Sometimes, a sample design chart of nails created byaprofessional nail technician using the kit is also included,tomake it easier for you to create your own unique designs usingthestamping kit. The best part is that it comes complete withfullinstructions, tips and techniques for getting the bestresults.Before you begin, read the user's guide to make sure you getthebest out of your nail stamping kit. Ensure the surface youareworking on is protected and that your nails are clean, dryandgrease free. You can stamp the image design directly ontoyournatural nail or apply a base coat of polish in your favoritecolorbefore stamping on the image.
Quilling Art Designs 1.0
Retry Production
The art of quilling has been aroundforcenturies and it has indeed become a great form of artinvolvingthe use of strips of paper that are coiled and curledusing acurling tool and shaped into shapes that will make up a muchbiggerdesign or pattern such as flowers.This paper art was also known as paper filigree and forsomeothers, it was named paper-scrolling. For those who practicetheart centuries ago, they use to make use of quills in rollingthestrips of paper, thus the name quilling. Today, a curling toolisused in making these fine paper ornaments.If you want to try your hand on the art of quilling, youcanactually start simple. Instead of buying pre-cut paper strips,youcan practice on lightweight card stocks and cut them intothestandard 1/8-inch strips.Once you're done practicing the curling and coiling, you canthentry on the basic shapes. Here are the basic shapes you canstartpracticing.The tight coil and the loose coil are the basic coils you needtopractice because from these two, you can make the heart shape,thesquare, the teardrop, the marquis and the different scrollshapes.For example, in making the teardrop shape or the raindropshape, asothers would call it, you will start from making a loosecoil andthen pinching one side with your thumb and index finger toform theteardrop shape. The marquis shape is similarly done aswell butpinching two opposite sides of the loose coil.The challenge in practicing the art of quilling is the patternordesign you have to make. If it is your first time trying it, youcanfind great ideas on quilling resources online to appreciatethebeauty of the designs made out of quilling. From makinguniquehandmade cards to making 3d flowers and ornaments, you willbetruly inspired to make your own simple designs and expressyourcreativity.Generally, the art of quilling is a simple art form and averygood hobby that you can even teach your children. Asidefrominexpensive materials, it does not involve other machinesorcomplicated tool as well. Of course, you just have to beextracareful if you are working with children. Make sure they areusingthe curling tool safe and make sure too that you are workingwith anon-toxic glue.By being creative, you can actually make a lot ofartisticproducts from quilling. For ideas on where to use quilling,you canmake designs that can be framed and placed in your wall, youcanalso make cake toppers with them, quilled roses for mother'sdaygift, or valentines gift, quilled flowers in baskets,scrapbooks,photo frames, holiday decors, and many other ornamentsyou can makewith it. Indeed, from a simple rolling and curling ofcolorfulpaper, you can make a wonderful work of art. In fact, someof thequilling pieces from long ago are being placed in museums fortheirgreat design, artistry and beauty.
Newspaper Recycle Craft 1.0
Retry Production
We often consider making paper to be averycomplicated, skilled process and of course, that can be true.Butit's not hard to craft paper yourself at home with verylittleequipment. The only special item you'll need is a mould. Thisis awooden frame with a mesh stretched across it to act as a filterorsieve. It's very simple to make your own mould - just fastenfourpieces of wood together in a rectangular shape to make theframe.Use 3/4" x 2" wood (20 x 50 mm) and make the inner dimensionsofthe frame the size of the paper you want to make. The frameneedsto be about 2" (200 mm) in depth. Then cover the frame withtightlystretched mesh - mosquito net or just a piece of net curtainisfine. Make sure it's securely fastened to the edge of theframe.You'll also need a large container to hold water, about thesize ofa baby bath.Now you're ready - let's get started! To make the pulpcollecttogether a variety of unwanted paper (this craft is greatforrecycling). avoid newspaper (not pretty) and glossy magazines(thegloss makes them unsuitable) but you can use tissues, artpaper,envelopes, discarded letter paper or copier paper - these areallsuitable. Then tear the paper into about 1" (25 mm) squarepiecesand soak it in water. The soaking time depends on the paperyou'reusing. Tissues will take under an hour, while high qualitypapermay take up to 3 days. Using hot water will speed uptheprocess.The next step is to macerate the paper in a blender orfoodprocessor. Add a couple of cups of water to each small handfulofthe paper. (225 ml). You only want to blend until thefibresseparate, so be cautious and use short bursts. If you blendfor toolong your paper will be very smooth and you won't have thatrustic,handmade quality which is so attractive. Put the blendedpulp intoanother container. A blenderful will make about 1letter-sizedsheet, so continue until you've blended as much as youthink you'llneed.Now comes the even more fun part - making the paper! You canaddall sorts of small things to give your paper an individualfeel.For a country theme add some tiny feathers or pressed leavesandflowers. For Christmas or a child's party you can add sparkles,ortiny foil shapes. If you'd like to colour the paper, you canusenatural dyes like blueberry or beetroot juice, onionskins,turmeric or coffee grounds, or you can purchase commercialdyesfrom craft stores. Just stir your dye into the pulp, addingalittle at a time until you have the colour you want.Rememberthough, the colour will lighten as the pulp dries.Stir the pulp well and dip your frame vertically into thefarside of your container then, in one smooth movement, tip ittowardsyou so it's lying horizontally beneath the pulp and lift itout,holding it level. Then, quickly, before the water's drainedaway,give it a little shake to even it out. Don't wait too longbeforedoing this or the paper will become too dry and tear when youshakeit. If this happens, just scrape it back into the containerand tryagain.
Crochet Pattern Blankets 1.0
Retry Production
If you know how to crochet or are justlearninghow to crochet, chances are you are going to be making ababyblanket. A crochet baby blanket pattern is not only simple tomake,but it is also a very popular and unique gift.A crocheted baby blanket can be made in any color or varietyofcolors. The great thing about crochet is that you have theoptionof using many different stitches in your blanket to give itadifferent texture and look.Most people will crochet baby blanket using a pattern. It isveryimportant that you know how to read the crochet pattern beforeyoustart. If you don't know how to read the pattern, it can beverycomplicated and frustrating trying to figure it out. If youarereally struggling, find someone who is more experienced thanyou andask them to help.If you don't know of anybody to help you, jump online and doasearch for crochet baby blanket patterns. You can getdetailedinstructions online and more patterns than you will everuse inyour lifetime.The library is a great source of crochet baby blanketpatternsalso. Over the years, there have been many, many bookswritten oncrochet and baby blankets are easily one of the mostpopular itemsto crochet. But, books aren't the only place to findthese types ofbaby blanket patterns. There are magazines publishedthat aredevoted solely to the art of crochet. These magazines willcontaina number of crochet patterns for baby blankets.Once you make a baby blanket, you may want to try your handatsomething larger. Crochet an afghan to cover your bed or yoursofa.These afghans can be made in any size and color. Crochetinganafghan could make a nice Christmas gift for someone special.The great thing about handcrafted gifts is that they canbepassed down from generation to generation.If you really enjoy crochet, check with your local craftstore.There may be clubs in your area that meet monthly toexchangecrochet patterns and to give tips to each other. This willbe agreat source to learn new techniques. There are dozens ofdifferentcrochet stitches and designs that you can produce.Crocheting is an art form. It takes talent and imaginationtoproduce a beautiful baby blanket or afghan. Not everyonecancrochet. Just like any craft, you have to enjoy it and trulyhave apassion for it to produce great works of yarn art.
Crochet Pattern Bracelets 1.0
Retry Production
Crocheted bracelets are fun and stylish towearwith just about anything. They are especially fun in thesummer asyou can crochet them in bright and cheerful colors tomatch the restof the summery outfit that you might choose. In thisway you can useup your odds and ends, making it rather inexpensiveto accessorizeyour wardrobe.And just because they are crocheted doesn't mean that theycan'tbe elegant enough to wear to parties, weddings and otherfancyoccasions. Quite to the contrary, crocheted bracelets can bejustas elegant as anything store-bought. You just need therightmaterial, the right color and the right pattern. Honestly,you'llbe amazed at what you can create once you get started.My favorite material is a fine yarn or a size 3 or 10crochetthread. The beauty of the thread is that it allows for lotsofdetails in the pattern while still keeping the bracelet narrow.Andthese are the bracelets you can wear at weddings and otherfancyoccasions.Embroidery floss is another material to consider as it's onthethin side too. And the colors available in the floss aretotallyamazing!A thin and flexible wire is also suitable for crochetinganelegant bracelet. The only thing with wire is that it canbedifficult to work with. Thus, you might need a bit ofpracticeuntil you're able to keep the stitches at the sametension.Crocheting with wire can also be hard on the hands, so youmightneed to pace yourself in order to avoid any injuries.Last, but not least, are beads. The beauty of beads is thatyoucan string them over your material. Just make sure they have aholebig enough to fit over the material that you have chosen toworkwith.And if you're looking to make something a bit wider, youcanchoose a worsted weight yarn. These bracelets are not only quicktowhip up, but they'll also help to keep your wrists warmandcozy.As for your closure, many bracelets are designed to simplyslipover the hand. This is the quick and easy way to makethem.However, you can also purchase a bracelet clasp at the yarnorcraft store. Another option is to simply tie the bracelet soitfits snug around the wrist.Crocheted bracelets can also be a lot of fun for youngchildrenfrom toddlers and up. Just remember to keep things safeifcrocheting for children. Wire and beads should not be usedforchildren's items to reduce the risk of injury.
Crochet Booties Idea 1.0
Retry Production
Newborn baby's feet bones are formed ofsoftand bendable cartilage. Due to its pliable nature, baby's feetaremore susceptible to malformation. So, it is important to ensurethecomfort and flexibility of socks, booties or baby shoes tosecureand enhance the natural growth of baby's delicate feet andtoes.When the baby tries to walk for the first time, parentswillstart to look for baby shoes or crochet booties. Usually,crochetbooties are preferred by most of the parents because theyareflexible and offers comfort for the baby's feet duringindooractivities, whereas toddler shoes are most often used foroutdooractivities and to secure the baby's feet while walkingthroughrough concrete floors.Today, crochet booties are available in a wide range ofcolor,design, outlook, pattern, price and much more. Parents canevenfind newborn baby booties according to their baby's outfittoo.If you are looking for crochet booties, you need to checkoutsome important factors that determine the quality and comfortofthe booties. Unlike infant shoes, you need not have to checkallthe features of crochet booties because they are not usuallymadeof hard materials such as leather. Since, baby booties are madeofdifferent types of soft and flexible yarn; they can fit yourbaby'sfeet quite easily. Besides, they will also offer room forflexiblemovements of your baby's feet and toes.Some important factors that must be checked out properlywhilelooking for booties are listed below:Material used for manufacturing:You need to check the quality of the material used foritsproduction. Usually, crochet baby booties that are made of100%cotton are considered to be one of the best booties for babies.Lowquality materials can cause allergy and rashes. So, make surethecrochet booties are made of high quality materials likecotton,mohair, wool, cashmere or alpaca.Fabrication:Fabrication must also be examined properly because tight fitscancause pain and bone malformation during long period of usage,whilegood fabrication not just offers comfort but protects yourbaby'sfeet too.Check out its weight:You must also analyze the weight of the booties sincedependingon the yarn used for manufacturing, booties weight willvary.Crochet booties that are made of cotton are light in weight,whilebooties that are made of wool might be heavy for thenewbornbabies.Spacious:Baby needs more space to move its feet and toe freely.Remember,natural feet movement is required to enhance the growth ofbonesand maintain stability. Hence, it is important to check outthespace offered by the booties.These are some important factors that might help you toidentifythe best crochet booties for your cute babies.
Artistic Tattoo Fonts 1.0
Retry Production
Are you planning to have a tattoo thathascharacters and words such as name tattoo? Make sure you dotheproper research in order to get the best suitable tattoofonts.Tattoo designing is a serious art. Since tattoos aregenerally fora life time and are parts of your body, getting thebest possibleis the right approach.You can choose from huge range of fonts available. Youcangenerate and select various types of font by using yourcomputer.Combining tattoo fonts with your tattoo design and checkout thefinal design is very easy with computer. Print out yourselectedtattoo designs and show it to your tattoo artist foradvice. Thiswill help your artist to craft your favorite tattoodesign on yourbody.When it comes to tattoo fonts, Fiery and Icy styles aremostsought after. If you want to have a cool personality thesefontsare the best. Several popular designs utilized from OldEnglish.Usually people prefer eye-catching tattoo fonts forobviousreasons.But, do you really know the main reason these tattoo fontsareused? Usually, people use them in name tattoos. Most tattoofanslove this kind of tattoo design. These are also used to addthenames of beloved ones such as parents, children, or person whohasdied. There numerous other reasons behind the use oftattoofonts.Kanji Japanese calligraphy tattoo fonts are also verypopular.Initially Kanji calligraphy was used to write on bones.Today,among Japanese who prefer to give old charm to their tattoos,therounded and natural Japanese calligraphy is more popular.However, Kanji has evolved along the time and has divergedintotwo diverse styles: SOSHO Kanji and MINCHO Kanji.MINCHO Kanji in Japanese is just like Times New Roman inEnglish.In Japan, it's the most frequently used font in print.It's is moreformal and gradually becoming popular in other media'ssuch asBillboards in Japan.On the other hand, SOSHO Kanji is relatively more modern,cursiveKanji style and used to create smoothly flowing lines. Youcan seeSOSHO Kanji fonts in the movie "The Last Samurai". You willfindSOSHO Kanji style at martial arts training centers aswell.A perfect tattoo means perfect combination of design andtattoofonts. Therefore, before you choose tattoo fonts, it'scrucial tounderstand the right meaning. Research and pick carefullyin orderto get the most unique tattoo fonts you love the most. Thestyle ofuse of tattoo fonts tells a lot about personality.
DIY Shoes Design 1.0
Retry Production
There is nothing better than a good pairofshoes. Great shoes improve your posture, flatter your figure,giveyou a more attractive gait, and provide the base for astylishoutfit. Shoes always fit, no matter how many scoops ofslow-churnedgoodness you added to your cone last night. And as CherHorowitz ofClueless would say, "You see how picky I am about myshoes, andthey only go on my feet!"Instead of buying a new pair of shoes for every trend, whynottake some old, washed-up, has-been shoes from your closet andDIYthem into something unique? There are myriad ways to re-doyourshoes. If you follow these how-to tips, even your shoe rackwillinspire you to say "Hello, Lover..."Re-Do your Shoes: Make a Removable EmbellishmentMake a simple ribbon or chiffon embellishment that you can addtoany pair of strappy heels and remove when the trend diesdown.Because let's face it, wearing ruffly chiffon leaves all overyourfeet is not going to be popular for long. For these tutorials,usea ribbon as a base to hold whatever embellishment you want(becreative!) and attach it to Velcro strips (thus the"removable"part).Re-Do your Shoes: DecoupageYou already know how to decoupage a piece of furniture or apictureframe, but did you know you could decoupage a pair of shoestoo?With a little mod podge, some fabric, and a hot glue gun, youcanessentially reupholster a pair of old shoes like you wouldacouch.Re-Do your Shoes: PaintSpray paint a pair of boring flats or heels with a bright colorandseal with a coat of clear spray paint. Make sure you tape offthesoles and other places you don't want the paint to get on, andwaitfor the paint to dry completely (overnight) beforehandling.
Bridesmaid Dress Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
Long gone are the days when bridesmaidsshrinkfrom their dresses. Now, with such a wide selection of dressstylesavailable, choosing bridesmaid dresses will feel exciting!But,with so many options to choose from, some brides may actuallyfindthemselves feeling overwhelmed. So, when browsing forbridesmaiddresses, use this guide to find the best dress styles,favoritefabrics and the most flattering lengths and cuts. By usingthisguide, you'll easily find the perfect looks for even yourmoststyle conscious attendants.The Best Short Bridesmaid DressesOur top three picks for new, short length bridesmaiddresses:The Charmeuse Dress with Ruched Waist and Pockets: No matterherstyle, any bridesmaid will love the strapless charmeuse dresswithruched waist and pockets. This fun, modern dress has aclassicsilhouette and a sleek design that bridesmaids will want towearagain and again.The Crinkle Chiffon Dress with Ruffle Neckline: Thisdressperfectly meshes elegant femininity and casual comfort.Yourbridesmaids will love the feel of the flowing crinklechiffonfabric. Up top, this dress features a lovely frontruffleflattering the bust, which adds a unique andeye-catchingtouch.The One-Shoulder Taffeta Dress: Every bridesmaid will lovethispick. This one-shoulder silhouette is a top pick amongst eventhemost style conscious women, as it's trendy and versatile.Thetaffeta material serves as a special touch with its smoothandsilky texture that always adds an extra glow.The Best Long Bridesmaid DressesOur top three picks for new, long length bridesmaid dresses:Strapless Chiffon A-Line Dress with Draped Skirt: Your moststyleconscious attendants will fall head over heels for thisuniquelypleated, strapless chiffon bridesmaid dress. This stylehas a sleeksilhouette and draped skirt, flattering simply any bodytype, and italso features a charmeuse band at the waist that lendsan hourglasslook to all body types.One-Shoulder Chiffon Dress with Floral Detail: From toptobottom, this bridesmaid dress, available in dozens of colors,willcertainly ease your most style conscious attendants. Aone-shoulderstrap comes finely detailed with elegant flowers andthe bodicefeatures an asymmetrical neckline and ruching to createasilhouette that lends to a slimming look. This dress thensweepsout in a chiffon skirt, creating a soft and romanticlook.Chiffon Dress with Beaded Neckline and Straps: Flowing chiffonisa classic fabric for bridesmaid dresses and often comes inmanycolors. Your bridesmaids will love the empire waist adornedwith acharmeuse band and tank bodice, which comes with intricatebeadingalong the neckline and straps. No matter how style consciousyourattendants, everyone will love this classic style.The Best Bridesmaid Dress SeparatesWhen considering hot new trends, look no further than theshortand sweet satin strapless top with short skirt. This top comeswithmodern pleats along the sweetheart neckline and the bottomsmoothesout into an A-line, which is widely popular for flatteringanyshape. With many colors available, you can get as creative asyou'dlike by mixing and matching tops, shirts, dresses andaccents.A perfect example of trendiness and comfort, be sure toconsiderthe ruched chiffon top with long skirt, which offers youand yourbridesmaids the most versatility. First, separate outfitsallowsfor many color options including mixing and matching, plusmanybridesmaids choose to wear the back-zipped, strapless top overandover long after the wedding.
Balloon Decoration Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
Your wedding is one of the most importantdaysof your life, and you will want every element of it tobememorable. What decorations you decide on will come down totasteand budget, but wedding balloon decorations are becomingverypopular to have. You can create many different shapes anddesignswith balloons, and they will look stunning.You can have as many or as few balloons as you want. There arenoset rules when it comes to decorating with balloons. The ideaofwedding balloon decorations can be a fantastic way to makeyourreception venue look spectacular at an affordable price.Balloonsare a timeless classic that can look great in any situationorarea.The amazing effects which can be achieved with balloonsarefantastic, such as a balloon arch to walk under as you entertheevent, or to frame the head table or dance floor. Thepossibilitiesare endless, and there is nothing to stop you havingmore than one.This is of course your day, and you can have what youwant.There are many companies available that will create yourweddingballoon decorations for your day. Although you may think youcan dothem yourself, this may be trickier than you think. Theconcept mayseem very easy, but they can be time consuming, and youmay burstmany balloons trying to create your decorations. In theend, youmay spend more in balloons than if you had paid someone todo thedisplays for you. Also, do you really want to be blowingupballoons on your big day? You will have far better things tobedoing.If your budget really won't stretch to a professional, thenyoumay have to ask friends and family to help you withthedecorations. You will need to practice the balloondisplaysbeforehand and not leave it till the day.You can achieve arches and simple table displays with verylittleknowledge, and if you assemble them the night before, thenyou willnot need to be doing it on your wedding day. You can buildarches,columns and centerpieces by attaching balloons to a pieceof wire.Helium balloons are not always necessary as blown upballoons workequally as well, and these can be prepared inadvance.You can have the balloons in any color, and they can evenbepersonalized with many different things. However, bear in mindtheywill cost more if you have them personalized, although it isafantastic touch. By having some tastefully placed weddingballoondecorations at your venue, it will look stunning. Withsomepractice and time, you can create amazing results.Your wedding will be remembered for the unusual decorations,andpeople will be asking you for tips and advice for theirday.Whatever you decide to do with the wedding balloondecorations,your reception will look great, and you can be proudknowing thatyou achieved a stunning look with only balloons.
Aluminium Window Designs 1.0
Retry Production
If you have old aluminium windows that youwantto either restore the existing colour or you wish to changethecolour, then, you can rest easy. You've come to the rightplace.The process of aluminium window painting can be broken downintoa series of steps with two distinct stages. These arepreparationand application. The inexperienced however, will try andskip onthe preparation to the detriment of the look and durabilityof thefinished product.PreparationThe amount of preparation needed mainly depends on the typeandcondition of the original substrate. For example, if you haveoldpowder coated painted aluminium windows that has chalky paintandrubs off against your fingers, then this will take a lotmorepreparation than newer powder coated surface that's notchalkingand is being painted for a colour change.However, anodized aluminium windows will take a lotmorepreparation than all other substrates regardless of itssubstratecondition because, the surfaces needs a lot moremechanicalabrasion to key the surface up enough to allow the painttostick.Protection of adjacent finished surfaces- Whenever youarepainting isolated section, it is important that youprotectadjacent finished surfaces. When painting the aluminiumwindows inyour home or apartment, you'll need to think aboutputting plasticdrop sheets down, followed by canvas drop sheets. Isuggestapplying plastic film and 3M, which you can with a handdispenserto protect the glass and the walls directly surroundingthe windowframe.Cleaning - Make sure all surfaces are clean and free ofdirt.Grime and grease are critical in the process of aluminiumwindowpainting. If surfaces are dirty then paint adhesion isreduced.Clean the frames on the outside with soapy water and asponge.However, use a soap that is salt free such as truck wash.Wash offall excess soap with clean fresh water.Then, alternately clean surfaces down both inside and outwithsolvent wash such as prepsol.Use a scour to apply the solvent. The scour will clean andkeythe surface at the same time. It is important that you carry outasecond solvent wash on dirty windows by applying solvent withaclean cloth then wiping off with another clean cloth.Sanding the substrate - There is no easy way around thisprocess.This can be difficult and monotonous especially gettinginto thetighter spots such as the upper channel because there isnomechanical sanding equipment that can make the job a lotquicker.Thus, doing the job manually by hand is hard and timeconsuming.
DIY Plastic Recycled 1.0
Retry Production
If you are looking for an inexpensive,funhobby and like to follow the new hot trend of recycling aswell,then you should definitely check out the very old, but verypopularart-form of decoupage. Decoupage comes from the Frenchverb,decouper, which means "to cut." This refers to decorativepapercutouts, being layered and glued on various objects. Finishingitof with several coats of sealers to make the cut outappearancediminish, and the result will look like an expensivepainting.Blue NudesSo if you are looking for a fun craft project that someveryfamous people was mastering, including Marie Antoinette, MadamedePompadour, and more recently, Pablo Picasso and Matisse withhisvery famous blue nudes, then you just need a few simple toolsandmaterials, and a bit of creativity, and you're all set tostartthis very fun and rewarding art-form. You can decoupage onalmostanything such as, picture frames, lampshades, books, plasticjars,glass containers, tables, chairs, bed boards... well, I couldgo onand on.Popular Among the DIY CrowdDecoupage was born in twelfth century China, but becameimmenselypopular in France and the rest of Europe in the 17thcentury.However, this art form is once again gaining hugepopularity amongthe DIY crowd and the crafters all over the world.The materials arevery inexpensive, and the decoupage techniquewill turn anythinginto a piece of art. From an old shoebox or apair of sneakers, toan ugly counter top or a picture frame. Yourimagination, glue andsome cut outs can transform anythingimaginable into a work ofart.Recycle and ReuseDecoupage is an art form that reuse and recycle old itemsmorethan any other hobby. This hobby is very environmentallyfriendlyand is just right for today's world, when protectingourenvironment is so important. We all can help saving our earth,bychoosing to recycle and reuse, instead of buying new thingsthatwill soon fill up our land fills. So next time you considertothrow anything in the trash, take a second good look, becauseitcould be transformed into a chic and trendy decoupaged pieceofart. This old art form has become today's recycling!Decoupage a Habit-Forming HobbyWhatever you decide to create, you'll have the great pleasuretoknow that you have taken on an art form from the 12th century.Infact, this is an art form that is just right for today andthefuture. Maybe by showing your creative and unique projects, youmayinspire others to follow in your footsteps to start recycling,andbring this art form into the next century. However, I do havetowarn you, decoupage could be rather habit-forming. As soon asyoustart to see the beautiful results from your decoupagedprojects,you'll be on the look out for more things to decoupage.It's verystraightforward and easy crafting, and so much fun.
Calligraphy Art Designs 1.0
Retry Production
Many people appreciate and admire thegorgeouslook of words written in calligraphy.If you find yourself drawn to this written beauty and wanttolearn it, know that writing calligraphy is something you canlearn.As with any other hobby or skill you are interested in, thereis alearning curve and requires patience with yourself and lotsofpractice.Once you get the hang of it, you'll discover thatwritingcalligraphy is simply an expression of your own creativethoughtsand artistic skills. Even if you don't think you possessartisticskills at the moment, you may even surprise yourself atthebeautiful things you can create with writing calligraphy.Writing calligraphy is something you can take up as aninformalhobby, and then decide to apply more serious study. Eitherway, youwill be delighted at how lovely the written word becomeswhenapplying calligraphy techniques.To begin your study as a calligrapher, you'll need just afewbasic items to get started to include a calligraphy pen, alinednotebook for practicing the letters and a good study guide.Becauseyou need to start somewhere and need to learn to basicstrokes andthen how to form letters of the alphabet, you can useonlinetutorials or books to show you the ropes.Before you begin writing calligraphy, start by soaking in asmuchinformation as you can from your book, tutorials orcalligraphywebsites. This will give you a good starting point soyou know thesteps you need to take as you begin your study.Once you feel like you're ready, practice a few strokes,figuresand shape designs to get the feel for using a calligraphypen.Calligraphy pens are different because of the tip, or nib, usedtocreate beautiful letters.The nib is a fine tip, and is offered in different thicknessandangle types. The nib you select will directly impact yourwritingcalligraphy. Eventually, you'll choose different nibs fordifferentprojects, but the nib found on a basic calligraphy penwill workout perfectly for practice.The key to mastering calligraphy is to use the pen asanexpression of your own writing hand and style. Although it's agoodidea to study the proper form and lettering when learning,fromthere you can begin to modify what you've learned and makeitcompletely unique to you.Once you've mastered some general strokes/lines and how itfeelsto hold and write with the pen, you're ready to move on towritingcalligraphy alphabets. It's recommended to start with abasic fontsuch as italic, roundhand, manuscript or unicalstyles.While these are some of the most basic calligraphy fonts,they'restill very pretty and elegant once you learn how to writethem. Byadding flourishes to your letters, you can take even amost basicfont and fancy it up to make it look elegant.Once you get to the writing calligraphy alphabet letteringphase,you will be in this practice stage for a while. By all meanstryyour hand at practicing different lettering styles, butpractice iswhat will get you from a beginner to talentedcalligrapher. How longthat takes depends on the individual. Thelearning curve all dependson the amount of time you put inpracticing.
Chalkboard Lettering Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
Chalkboards are used for many purposestoday.Traditionally, they have been used in schools and now many ofusrecognize their application in the corporate sector. Forexample,in a work place these boards of various kinds are used tomakepresentations and to display graphs, pictures, notices andfliers.However most of us have definitely noticed one of theseboards atan eatery or a coffee place. These are heavy-duty,weatherresistant chalkboards, particularly good for restaurants,specialtystores, or any business that wants to reach out topotentialcustomers.Today the traditional look of a chalkboard has beencompromisedfor one that is practically and economically consistentwith itsuse while at the same time providing a convenient design.The lookof the traditional chalkboard has been combined withcrisp,digitally printed, faux chalk lettering other color graphics,suchas a logo. Prints can be placed directly on the chalkboard foramore professional attractive feel. As your menuchanges,replacements can easily be made.Magnetic strips with the menu items and prices can be made.Blankstrips are provided too along with liquid chalk for makingchangeswhen the need arises. These new boards are completelyhassle-freeand simple to use. They are attractive and extremelydurable. Theycome in a variety of designs like write-on boards,chalkboards,free-standing letter boards, free-standing messageboards,free-standing poster holders, and tripod easels.With the mass production of a huge variety of menu boards,acustomer has an array of choices. He can choose from thedecorativeand from the functional designs available on the market.He canalso decide which type suits him best; the traditionalchalkboard,the faux lettering board, or the whiteboard.
Indonesian Gemstones Gallery 1.0
Retry Production
Agate in Indonesia has many varieties andwide- range, we can find hundreds of different types of agate fromeachregion, because each region has a different characteristicstone -different one and the other. The diversity of agate inIndonesiacaused by Indonesia is one country that is crossed by aseries ofring of fire or a cluster of volcanoes are related to eachother.The existence of many volcanoes that has resulted inIndonesia isrich in minerals, especially minerals rocks, one ofthem is a rockagate. Agate is not as fancy as other first-classprecious stones,but this stone has its own place in the areabecause of thediversity and beauty.The name agate stone Bacan first is derived from the islandofHalmahera in Maluku. Bacan stone type most requested is thestoneBacan Doko and Palamea. Bacan stone has a dark green color toabluish green. This stone has many variations thatcausecrystallization patterns - patterns of current interest islightedstone.The second is a stone Kalimaya. Stone Kalimaya most famousinIndonesia is a stone Black Opal or black Kalimaya of Bantenthathas a black color with a spectrum of rainbow colors whenexposed tolight.
Baby Girl Dresses 1.0
Retry Production
There is no doubt that there is so much funindressing female babies. Baby girl dresses are numerousinboutiques, baby stores, and shops that you no longer know whichoneto buy. There is no doubt there are more choices of designsforbaby girls clothing than boys. Boy can simply wear pants orshortsand a shirt while girls can always wear from shorts, jeans,skirts,t-shirt, casual dress, to gowns.You will never run out of choices when shopping for infantgirl'sdresses. From simple and plain dresses to more formal gowns,thereare sure many that you will find to like so much. That is whyIalways find the need to prepare for a budget intended forshoppingfor my baby girls clothing because there are alwaysunlimitedchoices available.Dresses for girls are usually pastel in colors. The mostcommoncolors that are associated with baby girls are pink, red,yellow,blue, and white. Pink is the most saleable color for babydress.You can find casual designs that can be for daily use.Semi-formaldress, casual dress and gown-like styles of dresses forbabies arewidely available. Manufacturers for baby clothing linesarebecoming innovative in their designs and come up withseasonaldress for babies. You can find dress designs for spring,summer,fall, and winter. Some also design clothes for babies byoccasionlike birthday, Christmas, baptismal, Easter, andHalloween.Casual designs for dresses for girls include flutter sleeveswithribbon details, straps on the shoulders, ruffles, bloomers,andsundresses. Babies can wear these clothes on casual occasionsoreven for daily use. In formal occasions, babies can also weargownsthat also come in beautiful designs. Normally, gowns forbabies arealways bought for special occasions like baptism,birthday, andweddings.It is fun to be shopping for different baby girl dressesbecauseyou can always pair them with shoes of the same color andotheraccessories that you can make the baby girl wear to make themlookcuter and cuddly. These days, baby clothing are gettingmorefashionable in style. You do not need to buy expensive brandsasthere are now many other brands that are cheaper in price butwiththe same wonderful and fascinating designs.
DIY Vegetable Gardens 1.0
Retry Production
Gardening is no longer limited to thesuburbsand the countryside. It is fast becoming widespread amongcitydwellers, too. Anywhere you look, you can see aspiring urbangreenthumbs buying supplies and gobbling up books about gardeningin thecity. If you want to join the bandwagon and create a spacewhereyou can have tranquility in the middle of the city, here aresometips that should set you on to your new calling:Work with containersWhen building a garden in the city, rarely will you haveamplespace. So it is always a good idea to use containers insteadofplanting beds or plots. One, you can save a lot of space. Also,youwon't need hours to remove weeds from small containers. Bestofall, you do not have to spend for new containers. Theemptychocolate cans or plastic milk jugs lying in your kitchenwould beperfect.Use your own potting mixWhen you are in the city, you will have a hard time findinggoodquality soil for your container garden. So, you have to createyourown mix of good potting soil. You will need equal parts oftopsoil,perlite, and peat moss. If you want to save time, you cangetcommercially available potting soil from your nearest gardensupplystore. Put the potting soil in the containers and don'tforget toadd some mulch to the top layer to keep your soildamp.Have ample supply of waterYou can't tend to your garden without water. Make sure thatyourplants receive just the right amount of water. Whether youwaterthe too much or too little, they will exhibit the samesymptomssuch as losing the rigidity of their stems. Also, if youare goingto use containers and place your plants on the rooftop,you canexpect that your potted plants will dry out easily. To keepthetemperature suitable for your plants, you will definitelyneedplenty of water for your urban garden.Check out the sunlightSunlight allows plants to manufacture their own food.Yourordinary garden plants need four to eight hours of sunexposure.Therefore, make sure that your garden spot is not blockedbybuildings or high walls.Starting your own vegetable garden is only as hard or as easyasyou want it to be. By following the basic tips above, there'sabigger chance that your garden will survive in theurbanjungle.
Tiny House Plan 1.0
Retry Production
Tiny home movement has gained momentum inthelast few years. Part of that movement are homes called tinyhouseson wheels. They are small houses constructed of standardmaterialsand are built and secured to the frames of trailers, andcan bepulled behind a vehicle just like a travel trailer.These small homes range from approximately 65-140 squarefeet.Because they are on wheels, they are considered traveltrailers,and do not require a building permit. Of course they haveto meetDepartment of Transportation guidelines size limitations,but youcan basically much put one anywhere you can place anrecreationalvehicle. Many people place them in back yards, and usethem asspare rooms, or office space. They are also used asprimaryresidences, also in parked in a back yard, RV parks, orplaced onpersonal lots of land.Often theses homes are self-contained with electricalandplumbing systems. They can be designed to traditionalsepticsystems, and electrical connections, or equipped with holdingtanksand electrical connections the same as a travel trailer. Youcanalso live off the grid, and quip these homes with solar orwindpower, and water harvesting systems, and composting,orincinerating toilets like you would find on a boat.If you plan to build your own plans to build your own tinyhouseon wheels, or purchase a finished home, there are many optionstosuite your needs and location of your home. Tiny houses onwheelsare affordable options if you have a desire to live a moresimplelife.
Baby Girl Clothes 1.0
Retry Production
The most common present for a baby girl isbabygirl clothes. Every minute there is something happening thatmakesmom take a new pair of rompers and change her sweet babyintosomething dry and warm.And just imagine how many oops a day took place?Thousands.That's why moms need a great store of baby clothes inadvance.If you are about to pick up a newborn baby gift basket fullofbaby clothes there is something very important to know ahead.The first thought shall be about material of baby girlclothes.Material is very important criterion. Since the skin ofnewborns isvery gentle it can be allergic to some artificialmaterials. Irecommend you to buy items of clothing made of naturalmaterialslike cotton.Some on-line baby stores are ready to offer Organic productsandclothes as a part. Have a look at such collections atfirst.However, one of the destructive factors you might think aboutisthe color. Yes, the natural and organic clothes aren't sobrightand colorful as the clothes made of other material. It isbecausethey don't contain any dyes i.e. harmless for babies.Secondly you should choose the color. It is better to sticktopink of course. As the baby girl clothes are common presents atababy shower party - pink clothes are in abundance after theparty.But if you want to stand you basket out you may choose someothercolors like beige or yellow. Moreover, if you want topresentnatural clothes - mostly white and beige can be found.The size of baby clothes is really important thing tobementioned. Clothes for babies have their own gradation. Itstartswith zero size (or called newborn) up to twenty fourmonths.There are seven more sizes within these 24 months. If you makeapresent for newborn baby girl you should look for the clotheswithtags saying zero to three or zero to six months. If you arenotsure about the size you may consult the shop-assistance orfollowthe rule that larger baby girl clothes are better thansmaller.Choose baby clothes without too many buttons, clips and ties.Atfirst a baby either can hurt itself or entangle with ties. Alsoalot of buttons make moms no happy about. Keep baby girlclothessimple, but comfortable and natural.
DIY Carving Fruits 1.0
Retry Production
You are probably one of those people whostarein amazement at fruit carvings because you feel like they areverydifficult to do. But actually, carving fruit is very easyandsimple-of course it depends on the pattern or design that youwantto carve. For beginners, you might want to start withsomethingreally easy and simple. If you want to know how to carvefruits,here are some tips and advice.First, you have to choose a design or pattern for yourfruitcarving project. Again, since you are a beginner, do notchoosesomething really complicated. You should know yourlimitations andcapabilities as a novice in fruit carving.Once you have chosen your design or pattern, you shouldprepareall the necessary materials such as a sharp knife, melonscoop,spoon, tray, marker, toothpicks or sticks, and of course,thefruits. Place all the materials that you will need somewherenearbyso that you can easily get them.After this, get the fruit and start tracing the outline ofyourdesign or pattern on the surface of the fruit using yourmarker. Ifyou want to learn how to carve fruits, you should alsolearn basicdrawing skills. You do not need to be a Rembrandt or aPicasso.Just some basic lines and shapes are okay. Make sure thatthe fruitis not wet or the ink will create a mess on thesurface.The next step is the carving part. This is the mostdifficultpart among all the steps on how to carve fruits. You needa steadyhand to follow the drawings or outlines that you havecreated.Fruit carving requires good dexterity, or you will end upwithunidentifiable fruit mess or worse, a cut finger. Use a sharpknifebecause it is easier to use than a blunt knife. And alwaysrememberto be careful when handling knives.Once you have finished carving the design or pattern onthefruit, erase the markings using wet cloth. Make sure that theinkwill not spread because it will make your fruit carving lookmessyand dirty.Finally, place your carving on an attractive tray. But beforeyoudo that, place a lettuce on the plate to make it moreattractive.You can also decorate your masterpiece using somecolourful fruitslike mangoes, strawberries, or grapes sliced orcut in interestingshapes.
Homemade Gift Box 1.0
Retry Production
Life is like a box of chocolates. Everytimeyou open a box you get different surprises to satisfy yoursweettooth. A gift box is a beautiful packaging for yourfavoriteindulgence - candy.Packing in candy gift boxes is a beautiful way to packageyourgifts. They are delicately made boxes filled with edibles ofthefinest candy that no one will find irresistible. Such giftsareperfect for any occasion. They can also be used as anelegantjewelry box or for other small gifts or a keepsake.The candy lover will absolutely love you for giving them theverygift that satisfies their sweet tooth. They will be ecstatictoreceive their favorite sweet treats in a beautifully made candygiftbox.These boxes are perfect opportunity to package yourfavoritehomemade or purchased candies from your favorite candystore. Yourgift box can be filled with chocolates, toffee, peanutbutter,lemon, peppermint, licorice, sour candies, caramel,pralines,nougats, cream filled chocolates-and the list goes on.You can use these boxes for all occasions such as a birthday,agraduation, anniversary, Valentine's Day, Christmas,wedding,Mother's Day, Easter, a baby shower, baby christening oreven abridal shower. On some occasion, you can give gift boxes tosay"thank you," "I love you," or "I'm sorry." A box of candies isaperfect gift no one can resist.Giving candies as a gift packaged in a candy box can alsobeperfect as a small token for a teacher or a friend. It can alsobeideal giveaways.Making your own candy gift box can be an exciting project.Yourimagination, personal style and creativity will give youabeautifully finish product you can be proud of.Here's how you can begin making your own gift box:• Choose a template for a candy-box pattern online.• Trace your template on cardstock or elegant board paper andcutout the pattern. Cut on solid lines and fold on dottedlines.• Glue together the flaps and taps.• Embellish you box with anything you like. Allow the glue todryfor few hours.You can have extensive selection of paper, colors andpaperdesigns you can choose from. Use bright colors like red,powderblue, pink, chocolate brown, black, ivory, green, white, goldorsilver.Top-off your candy gift boxes with laces, beads, silkribbons,lace ribbons, satin ribbons, colorful yarn, gold or silverstrings.You now have a beautiful gift box for any occasion!
New Fashion for Men 1.0
Retry Production
The keyword for men this spring-summerseasonis comfort and of course, style, mixing and matching stylesthatblend nicely with wardrobe they already own, gives the ideathatbeing fashionable can also mean affordable. Some men don't liketobe too conservative and layer themselves too much with jackets,forthis, consider using a dark tone vest with buttons in thefrontwith a v-neck shirt in light colors. Minimalist layeringisimportant this season; you don't want the hot weather to botheryouas the summer starts.Always use accessories to combine your look, likebracelets,necklaces and sunglasses. Avoid going overboard withthese so youdon't loose your elegance and transform you look intoanother one.Men also wear accessories like bags, this season; thesatchel stylebag is a must. This spring, scarves and handkerchiefsare back forthat refined touch in a man's look.About pants, straight cuts reveal a better presence, bellbottomsare way out of the picture nowadays, keep them in yourcloset justin case they come back or if you need them for acostume party.Also, cropped trousers reaching to above the anklewas seen in therunways. This style can be worn with very shortsocks or ankleboots. Some designers have even incorporated shortshirts matchingtheir business suits on their collections.The season's color tendencies are almost the same, focusingmoreon grays and pearl whites, but don't forget that spring isallabout colors and pastel pinks and oranges are back. For themorerebel ones, there is nothing better than pants in wild colorslikegreen and yellow with comfortable printed cotton t-shirts. Youhaveto be careful with graphics, don't think that because it isspringor summer, gigantic flowers are adequate, wrong, thosedesigns arein the past, prints now tend to be smaller and inaquamarine, gray,purple or blue colors. Flowers and Hawaiianprinted shirts are onlyacceptable when combined with beachBermudas.You should always search for the right type of fabric too;thereare textiles for every season. This spring, the options arelinen,cotton, and tropical wool, for a fresher and cooler feeling.TheJeans never go out of style; you just have to follow the typeofcut within the season and the trends.The realistic fact is that American men usually don't wearwhatthey see in the runways, European men tend to be riskier withtheirlook, they really don't care what people think of them,whereasAmerican men are more conservative in this matter, ofcourse, I'mtalking about the general guy.This year, a more tailored man will replace the baggy lookfromlast year's fashion industry. This year, less is more;morechoices, more styling, more classic.
Bathtub Design Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
Bathtubs are no longer the privilege oftheelite. Moreover, no longer do we have to settle for justshowerstalls. The popularity of soaking tubs for small bathroomsissurging by the day. The standard size of 5 feet long and14-16inches deep bathtubs won't fit in a small bathroom. Thus, oneneedsto look for those smaller soaking tubs.Although small bathtubs aren't as spacious as the standardones,the primary function of soaking and relaxing is met bythem.Smaller tubs are usually 4 feet long and 26-34 inchesdeep.However, they can be customized to your needs as well.There are different kinds of tubs available in the markettoday.However, the type you choose will be influenced bydifferentfactors, such as actual size of the bathroom, style,decor, etc.Moreover, let's not forget about the cost involved. Forexample,corner and whirlpool tubs are perfect in small bathrooms.However,they can be quite expensive, and may not be a feasibleoption inyour bathroom.No longer does one need to sacrifice those deep tissuemassages.Thanks to bathtub manufacturers, small whirlpool tubs areavailablefor those of us who own small bathrooms. Corner whirlpoolbathtubsare real space savers, moreover, the small circular onesare alsogreat! However, there are a few factors one has to considerbeforeopting for these bathtubs. The first factor is the size ofone'swater heater. Next, is to choose between air-jet orwhirlpoolsystem. In the former, air is propelled through severalsmallholes, thereby creating bubbles in the tub. In the latter, airandwater is propelled out through large jets, thereby givingasoothing massage effect. Besides these factors, there arealsovarious other details to look into. Therefore, make sure youcarryout enough research regarding the technicalities of thesame,before making your choice.Soaking for an hour in a bathtub after a long day at workissomething so inviting. It's a place to rest your aching musclesandjust relax away. Before heading out to select a soaking tub,alwaysmeasure the exact coordinates of your bathroom and the cornerwhereyou want to place it. Finding the right soaking tub for asmallbathroom can seem daunting, but with a little patience and alot ofresearch, you can definitely manage to find what you exactlywant.Have fun!
Modern House Designs 1.0
Retry Production
Over the years the way that home owners liketodecorate and remodel their properties has changedquitesubstantially, especially with the younger generations. Mostnewhome owners like to opt for a more modern and contemporarydesign,rather than the more traditional housing designs. There aremuchmore houses around the world with open plan living spaces,minimalfurnishings and light bright colourings on the walls. Thistype ofhome design helps to gibe your home an open and spaciousfeelingwhich is particularly useful if you have a relativelysmallproperty as many young people do.Locating the perfect modern house designThere are a number of different ways that you canattaininspiration and ideas for the design of your dream home.Manypeople will opt to simply come up with the ideas themselves,butthis does mean that you have to a relative amount ofexperiencewith home design to make a good job of things. It is alsopossibleto employ the services of an expert interior designer oranarchitect to help you with your plans but obviously this canberather expensive, especially if you want the best. As wearesuffering from one of the worst global recessions that we haveseenfor many years this is not always an option for many homeowners,especially first time buyers. Undoubtedly the cheapest andarguablythe best way to attain your ideal modern house design is touse theinternet. There is now a plethora of different websites thatwillprovide you with everything that you could ever need to designandcomplete your perfect home design. The various sites that areonoffer will tend to differ in the way that they work but youshouldhave no problem finding one that suits your needs. You willbe ableto search through the variety of different house planoptions thatthey have and then pick out the one that you feels fitsyourrequirements. Once you have chosen one you can then download itinwhatever format you prefer. Generally it will either be PDF orCADformat.Completing your modern house designOnce you have downloaded your chosen modern house design youwillbe able to begin making it a reality. If you havebuildingexperience then you will obviously be able to carry out theworkyourself. However, if you do not then you will need to employtheservices of a professional. It is important to attain a numberofdifferent quotations so that you can sure that you are gettingthevery best value possible. Prices for labour and parts canvaryquite substantially so it is vital to attain at least 3differentquotes to allow you to make an educated decision.
Aquarium Decorating Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
It is really fun decorating your aquariumwithcolorful replicas of building and ancient artifacts.Creatingwonderful themes is what I have dedicated a good part of myadultlife doing and I still enjoy it to is day. But there mightcome atime when all you want is something natural, what you desireis adesign that replicates the natural environment from where thefishcame from and bring that environment into the comforts of yourownhome.One of the best ways to create an all natural scene is tousedriftwood. Driftwood is basically wood that has been soaking inthesea or river and through the weathering of nature has beencraftedinto smooth, unique pieces that looks artistic.You can actually find driftwood yourself, especially if youliveclose to a natural body of water. If you do not, there isalwaysthe option of buying them from a pet store or online. Thebeauty ofusing driftwood is that they look gorgeous in a fish tank.Nomatter how well we humans endeavor to create works of art,nothingbeats the ability of Mother Earth in producing artworks thatstandout better than anything we could ever do. These driftwood canbematched with numerous other fish tank decoration to create athemethat is unique because no two pieces of wood are everalike.
DIY Handmade Jewelry 1.0
Retry Production
Men and women have adorned themselveswithhandmade jewelry since long before the age of reason.Bouquets,bracelets woven grass, shells, and stone; as it was thefirstdecorations to beautify the human body. We may have beenwearingjewelry as far as 75,000 years ago - 30,000 years earlierthanpreviously believed - according to a recent report byNationalGeographic News.For millennia, jewelry styles and materials have evolvedalongwith the progress of civilization. From the Stone Age to theBronzeAge, from the Iron Age to the Industrial Revolution (andseeminglyback again!), Styles have changed, modernized, and thenoftenreturned to their most basic forms and essential elements.Today, jewelry primarily machine made, allowing manufacturerstoproduce uniform jewelry designs much more economicalthanhandcrafting and hand-casting of traditional techniquesallow.Casting is now quickly process into a uniform mold componentssuchas metal, plastic, and resin, so that even complex jewelrydesignsto be produced with speed and uniformity. mechanical punchpressesand weapons factories, as well, are also often used injewelrymanufacturing industry today, to help ensure the productionofconsistent, highly profitable products.In the last decade, however, the modern market has experiencedaresurgence of interest in handmade jewelry, and greatervalueplaced on jewelry design unique and limited edition, made byhandwith ancient crafting processes.With this new demand, jewelry artisans all over the worldareenjoying improved sales and recognition for their talentsandskills. Many specialty galleries - and even major departmentstores- now feature an increasing range of handmade jewelry. Withtheadvent and spread of the Internet as a sales tool worldwide,manyinternational jewelry artisans, even located in remote areas,arealso enjoying the benefits of direct sales to customersaway.The host Novica handmade jewelry market on theInternet,featuring some 15,000 unique designs, direct from masterartisansin Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Regina Bimadona,director ofthe regional office in Bali Novica, herself a jewelryartist,working with jewelers in Bali and Java, helping them bringtheircollections, and the unique stories behind the collections,toappreciative customers worldwide. Bimadona specializes inhelpingjewelry that still makes a limited edition collection withthetraditional technique, handmade.In the following interview, Bimadona outlines thebasicdifferences between handmade and mass-produced jewelry, andthebenefits and drawbacks of both handmade andmachine-madetechniques.
DIY Recycled Jeans 1.0
Retry Production
We should have thought of recycling a longtimeago, and I mean before the trend started in the 70s and the80s. Iam referring to when the Industrial Revolution firststarted. Ofcourse, if we would have known we were heading for anIndustrialRevolution we would have done a great deal of thingsdifferently.Setting up a recycling bin at a recycling center forwastemanagement is not all our communities need. Each householdneeds toplay a part in reusing what we would normally throw away.It can bea beautiful system when you work it right. Plus, you savemoney,time and energy. Three valuable resources that we allcanappreciate saving at the moment.ReturnThe recycling system that we should all adopt includesgivingresources back that we can't use ourselves. That means,anything wecan't recycle in the home should be returned to thecommunity to beprocessed and used again by others. That's whenrecycling bins forwaste management are important. After all, wecan't keep stackingup reusable resources in our own houses for therest of our lives.We need an outlet. Recycling centers in everycommunity willprovide that for us.But, let's focus on the recycling efforts we can do in ourownhomes. They save us money, we don't have to purchase moreresourceswhen we are reusing the ones we already have. They save ustime,again cutting down on tracking down and locating resourcesthat wealready have. And they save us energy, by now you've figuredoutthat by limiting the amount of purchasing and running that wehaveto do we save ourselves a ton of energy that we can bestuseengaging in other activities.RefillAnytime you get a chance to refill something, take advantage ofit.Always look for refillable lighters, refillable ink cartridgesandeverything else that is refillable around your home. Forinstance,your ventless gel fireplace requires gel fuel cans toburn. Keepthe cans and save them for the next time when youpurchase just thegel fuel. This will save you money. It will saveyou time andenergy too, but the greatest impact will be the moneyyou save.But, don't stop there! You can use old jeans to make pillowcasesand quilts. Stuff pillows. Ever heard of a denim curtain? Youhavenow. Start some wall art by wrapping an old frame with yourdenimjeans. It's a new theme you can try. Of course when the themegetsold, the jeans are once again reusable. You should find aplacearound your home where you can store old clothes, blankets,anythingof cloth. Keep it in the back of your mind and try toconsider usingthose old items every time you have a new project ora new need. Ofcourse if those clothes items aren't stained ortorn, you shouldgive them back to the community and allow otherpeople to wearthem.
DIY Garden Planting 1.0
Retry Production
Many factors come into play whenchoosingplants for a garden. Planting may be the answer to aspecificlandscaping need, such as screening an unsightly view,filling ashady corner, or preventing erosion on a slope, or you mayplantsimply for the sensory pleasures a garden provides. The choiceofgarden plants will depend on the garden's size, climate,andspecific characteristics. Each plant must be suitable forthegarden's conditions, whether sunny or shady and damp or dry,andsoil type. Plants also must satisfy personal taste. Here aresometips for choosing the right plants to enhance any garden space.1. Start with a plan.The first step in planning a garden is to put pencil topaper.Draw an outline of the area to be planted, drawing it toscale. Addany landscape features, such as walls or fences, and anyexistingplantings or trees.Mark the position of the existing plants and use a circle toshowthe amount of spread, allowing for future spread. Designatingthespread of an existing tree's canopy tells you how much sunthegarden will receive. This is important because plants varygreatlyin the amount of sun or shade they can tolerate. Also noteanyvariations in soil conditions, like a boggy area, which youwillneed to know in selecting plants based on moisturetolerance.As you identify the plants you would like to add, mark themonthe outline, again showing planting position and spread. Startwiththe largest plantings first, and work down in scale from treestoshrubs to ground cover and perennials to annuals and bulbs. Useagarden catalog for information about height, spread, andplantingdistances as well as sun and moisture tolerance. This planwillhelp you decide how many plants can be added to the spacewithoutovercrowding, and will become a guide when shopping for yourgardenplants.2. Consider the plant's function.Plants can serve many functions in a garden. They can act asacanopy to provide shade, a screen for privacy, or a divider tomarka space. Plants also can function as carpets, accents, orfillers.Determine the functions to be served within your gardenplan andselect plant varieties that will achieve thosepurposes.3. Vary plants for visual interest.A plant's shape, texture, and color play a critical role inanygarden design. While the color of a plant's flower may be itsmostobvious feature, remember that a flower often is a fleetingthingin a garden. Thus, consider the color and texture of theleaves aswell as the blooms. By using plants with differentshapes,textures, and colors, you will add visual interest anddefinitionto the landscape.4. Choose plants for year-round interest.For year-round interest in the garden, choose plants thatbloomin different seasons. For winter interest, include someevergreenplants, deciduous trees with strong silhouettes or peelingbark, orornamental grasses that give structure to the garden.
Gypsum Ceiling Designs 1.0
Retry Production
Ceiling lights can be placed invariouspositions in a room. The normal areas are at the centralpoint in aroom. In living rooms, the illumination required changesover time.When meals are over, a quite environment can be created.This is byusing different positions of the light fixtures. Theceiling lightscan be exposed, recessed or hung normally. Theillumination canalso be enhanced by using colored bulbs. It isimportant toconserve power when using the different light fixtures.The gypsum ceiling can be formed to accommodate differentpointsof the light fixtures. Straight fluorescent tubes areusuallyplaced on the edge of the ceiling and the wall. Downlighters canbe placed on four corners of the room soffits. To getthe differentlight effects in a room, the ceiling is designed toallow a hollowplace to fit the fixtures. The wiring is donenormally but withdifferent switches. The dimmer switchers can alsobe used toenhance the light effects in the room.The light feature points on a gypsum ceiling arefirstidentified. The recessed point is formed by cutting out thegypsumboards. A hole of one by three feet is done the room corners.Thisis at intervals of five feet apart. The ceiling branderingisshaped to allow for the recess. The depth of the hole is halfafoot. A gypsum hollow box is formed. It is one by three feetlong.The electrical conduit is placed up into the recess point.Wiringis also done from the room control point.Once the gypsum recesses are completed, the down lighterpointsare drilled on to the flat ceiling. This are used tocomplement thefluorescent lights. The gypsum is then finished andpainted twocoats. The tube lights are then mounted and fixed intotherecesses. The down lighters are also fixed onto the ceilingandangled to the desired degrees. Once all the light fixtures areinplace and tested, the final painting is then completed.Therecesses can also be painted with a different color fromtheceiling to add more beauty to lighting.Andrew Karundu Is A Building Economist Providing HomeBasedSolutions To Fixing, Repairing, Remodeling, Redesigning YourHomesUsing Simple Tried And Tested Methods To ImproveYourLifestyles.
Professional Makeup Tutorials 1.0
Retry Production
Can you imagine being faced with such achoice?With just eyeshadows alone, there are hundreds of differentshadesand types to choose from. Hours can be spent just findingthe colourwe imagine will suit our hair colour or the colour ofour eyes andeven the tone of our skin.Most of us do not seek professional help or look for tips aswefeel capable of being able to matching our makeup to our style.Ifyou are flamboyant and extrovert, you may choose a bright blueorgreen eyeshadow but if you are shy or not as confident youmaychoose a subtle brown or cream colour.As we start to read magazines, watch adverts or read onlineblogswe realise there is more to makeup than just choosing acolour welike. When it comes to concealers and lipsticks, it canbe veryimportant in matching the colours to our skin tones. Somepeoplelook great in a bright red lipstick, whilst others will notsuit thecolour at all.We may finally decide to go and seek professional help orlookfor tips, but it's difficult to know the best place to go andsomeplaces can be intimidating, especially if you go intodepartmentstores where you have to sit in front of people walkingpassed asyou are assisted with choosing makeup to suit your skintone orgiven helpful tips.People looking online have found there are loads ofopportunitiesto sit in their own homes and be taught the basics ofhow to applytheir eyeshadows or lipsticks. There has been a hugerise in blogsdedicated to makeup tips, especially for thoselooking for tips onmatching eyeshadows, concealers and blusherswith their individualstyle and personality.Blogs offer people the chance to learn from a range ofdifferentpeople and learning about the basics of matching differentcolourscan be carried out in the comfort of your own home. Youcanpractice in front of the mirror and not have to worry aboutbeingwatched.We all have our own style, clothes and even our lipstick giveusthe chance to express our individuality and our personality,forsome it's a part of who they are everyday. As we walk downthestreet we will see girls with pink hair, purple hair,blacklipstick or really extravagant makeup, each one wanting toexpresstheir style in combining their hair or clothes withtheirpersonality.Blogs offering help on matching our style with ourpersonalityare on the rise, as more and more people spend time inthe digitalworld, it's usually the first place we turn to if wehave aquestion or need to learn a new skill. Blogs are oftenwritten bypeople with a passion in the subject and in many casesyou will belearning from an experienced and passionate person whoreally wantsto help you.Matching your style with your personality should be fun andallpart of finding your way in the world of feeling uniqueandindividual, so if you need some help take time to search onlineandsee if you can find a blog to teach you or give you tips toembraceyour individuality.
Hair Drawing Tutorials 1.0
Retry Production
Short hair is slightly more challenging todrawthan normal hair because hair does crazy things when itsshortened.With longer hair, the sheer weight of the hair pulls thehair downin a relatively consistent direction. But short hair cancurl, bend,and go just about everywhere.The top part of the head can be drawn as an extremelycurvingline, or can be drawn with simplistic alfalfa sprouts, orcan bedrawn using all sorts of triangles and curves.Typically, the bangs are more complex than the rest of thehairon a short hairdo. This part of the hair has lines and strandsthatrun the gamut. You can draw simplistic triangles or you candrawcurves. You can make the bangs symmetrical, or you can havethem goall over the place. You can have strands overlap or you canhaveeach strand appear to neatly stay in their own corners.The key is not to draw every single strand, but rather to trytodraw huge chunks of hair. Not only is it difficult to seereallyfine strands of hair, but drawing clumps of hair islesstime-consuming than working to draw every single strand ofhairgrowing out of a character's head. This especially makesdrawingindividual strands branching off from the sides of the headsa loteasier. It can seem like a nightmare trying to figure out howthin,yet normally visible strands of hair branch out.Of course, lots of people might want to capture everysinglestrand and draw the most realistic character possible. Thisispossible with a strictly pencil drawing. But it can get alottrickier when you have to figure out the correct shades foreachindividual strand. This is possible, but it can beverytime-consuming. This might be your bag. But if you'reinterested incartooning and want to save time, you might want tolearn how todraw the outline of the hair, drawing out clumps ofhair, andadding shading and highlights.
Crochet Bag Designs 1.0
Retry Production
A lot of women before and even up to thisdaygo crazy over handbags. It has become part of theirdailynecessities, making it an important good to own. Some of thewomenwould collect any type of bags that basically differ in termsofits design and style. Others would go all the way leather,whilesome would try to look for styles that are totally out ofthisworld. Today, aside from the normal material of bag that thepeoplenormally see in the malls there is one type of bag today thatisslowly making its mark. The same with the process of knitting,thefabrics of crochet handbags are made with a thread or yarnthroughthe use of crochet hook. The strength and durability of thebagdepends on the way it is created and the color used. Not onlydoesthe color make it more versatile but it helps in giving thebagdifferent kinds of design. Through the mix and match ofcolors,designers can create different styles and designs of bagwith justa simple crochet hook. This kind of process has helped increatingdifferent efficient goods like, wallets and purses.The crochet handbags have become one of the most talkedaboutkind of style since its design can go from simple toextraordinary.Some people may consider it very modern while othermay see it astraditional and natural looking. This kind of bag canbe createddepending on your own style and how you like your bag tobedesigned. There are a lot of words on how to describe this kindofbag, but when you think about it this sophisticated design hascomea long way in presenting the creativity of its maker. This kindofbag can be created in different styles like, satchels, hobostotesand the like. Different materials as well can be usedinincorporating the crochet fabrics as part of their style. Acrochethandbag is a good use if you're going for that femininelook.The material used is very soft, light and chic that everygirlwon't have a hard time using it. This kind of bag is easy tostylewith that is why a lot of women would prefer using this bag. Alotof designer brands have also made their way in creatingcrochethandbags for the people. Some created a collection for thepeopleto have a wider range of choices to choose from. It is alsoin thisway can the designer give a crochet bag different looks,other thanthe normal handbag that they normally see in the market.If you areinterested in owning one, there are tons of shops in themall andother online stores that offer different styles. Some onthe otherhand also offers guides or easy-to-follow directions onhow to doyour own crochet handbag.
DIY Wardrobe Design 1.0
Retry Production
DIY is an abbreviation of the words "DoItYourself" which means doing or building something yourself,DIYhere means doing creative things with the use of things that donotneed to be items that are useful and have a sale value.The Wardrobe Design DIY applications presents some imagedisplaythat can inspire you to create shapes by utilizing wardrobeitemsunused in your home.Hopefully Wardrobe DIY Application Design can inspire you.
Easy Drawing for Kids 1.0
Retry Production
Whether you agree with me or not, I am ahomeschool parent. In deciding to go down this road with my kids, Iamhip deep in research as to what is best for my kids. I neverquiterealized how many options are out there. Either religiousbased orsecular, there are literally tons of stuff for kids. FromReadingand English to Math and Science, there is plenty to choosefrom.And this was the easy part, these topics were simple for me tomakea decision on what was best.The difficulty came with teaching Music and Art class. Ihaveabsolutely no skills whatsoever in these areas. OK, I amluckybecause I can cheat with the music. We have a family memberthatteaches piano (problem solved) and another friend whoplaysguitar...this is getting easier. Throw in some actually studyofmusic and this won't be so difficult after all.The hard part came when I had to teach Art and DrawingForChildren. I found many options both online and offline, buttherewas never anything that I felt comfortable with. Some of thisstuffwas downright complicated. I had to learn to sketch before Icouldteach my kids. And if an adult couldn't do this quickly, howhardwould it be for my kids?Most classes and courses I saw touted the idea of how to LearnToDraw online, or were so complicated that I lost interest ineventrying to teach it to my kids.I guess my first question should be, "how can you Learn ToDrawonline?" I thought drawing required pen and paper. (Or atleastsomething to that effect.) If you Learn To Draw online, isn'tthatmore like graphic design? Maybe I am missing something, but Idon'tthink I am.My second question was, "is there a course where a kid canlearnto sketch without spending a fortune?" Most of the offlinecoursesare kind of pricey, and many are complicated andtedious.(Definitely too complicated for my 10 and 12 year olds.)But Ipromise if you keep digging, there are courses out there thatarefree, some that cost a little bit, and some that cost a lot.Butthe point is, drawing should be on paper with pen, and ink, orevenwatercolors.I know computers are here to stay, and graphic computer arthasits place (I consider computer drawing to another medium toworkwith). But what is even more important than working on acomputerand using the function tools correctly, is that we provideour kidswith the background necessary so they can create anythingwiththeir imagination. If we want our kids to learn to sketch anddraw,I really think our kids should learn to sketch on paperfirst...andeven throw in some sidewalk chalk too.
Crochet Bath Set 1.0
Retry Production
I have learned that crochet cotton isalsocalled crochet thread depending on who you speak to. Thesewordsboth refer to the same thing in the end.I'm sure that you have heard of mercerized cotton. Mercerizediswhen the crochet cotton is held taunt and dipped in asodiumhydroxide bath followed by an acid bath to neutralize it. Ifyoupay attention to the weight listed on the label thisnumbersignifies the thickness of the strand. Cotton that isintended forhome crocheting that is labeled with the #10 size isbigger thanthe cotton that has the size of #100. It should be notedthat thethread becomes finer as the numbers grow larger when youarereferring to crochet cotton.Pay attention sometime and you will notice that the sameruleapplies to sewing thread. Pay attention to those numbers andseethe difference for yourself!As I understand it, the different weights of crochet cottonreferto the thickness based on the number of plies in the cottonstranditself. A ply is made when two or more threads are twistedtogetherto form a single strand. Different weights of cotton areproducedwhen different plies are created. The weights of thecotton arelisted on the label signifying the thickness of thestrand orply.You might try this experiment to prove what the author says:Takea piece of crochet thread and set it on a table, count thenumber ofstrands in a given piece of that same piece of thread andthe samenumber of strands that you counted should be the size ofthe crochetthread. For example, if you have a #10 crochet thread,you shouldhave 10 strands of crochet cotton in that strand thatyoucounted.Now, there is a theory that crochet cotton doesn't usuallyblockwell. I have news for you - that is a big misconception inthisworld today. If you are having this type of problem, tryanothermethod of blocking, and if you use the right method ofblocking,you will never experience any problem.Now, I agree that crochet cotton seems to be thinner when yourunit through your fingers, but with the bulk of the work, is itreallythinner? If there is no bulk to that work, yes, it will seemtowrinkle easier than other materials, but it will block justaseasily or maybe even easier!
Crochet Bath Set Decorations 1.0
Retry Production
I have learned that crochet cotton isalsocalled crochet thread depending on who you speak to. Thesewordsboth refer to the same thing in the end.I'm sure that you have heard of mercerized cotton. Mercerizediswhen the crochet cotton is held taunt and dipped in asodiumhydroxide bath followed by an acid bath to neutralize it. Ifyoupay attention to the weight listed on the label thisnumbersignifies the thickness of the strand. Cotton that isintended forhome crocheting that is labeled with the #10 size isbigger thanthe cotton that has the size of #100. It should be notedthat thethread becomes finer as the numbers grow larger when youarereferring to crochet cotton.Pay attention sometime and you will notice that the sameruleapplies to sewing thread. Pay attention to those numbers andseethe difference for yourself!As I understand it, the different weights of crochet cottonreferto the thickness based on the number of plies in the cottonstranditself. A ply is made when two or more threads are twistedtogetherto form a single strand. Different weights of cotton areproducedwhen different plies are created. The weights of thecotton arelisted on the label signifying the thickness of thestrand orply.You might try this experiment to prove what the author says:Takea piece of crochet thread and set it on a table, count thenumber ofstrands in a given piece of that same piece of thread andthe samenumber of strands that you counted should be the size ofthe crochetthread. For example, if you have a #10 crochet thread,you shouldhave 10 strands of crochet cotton in that strand thatyoucounted.Now, there is a theory that crochet cotton doesn't usuallyblockwell. I have news for you - that is a big misconception inthisworld today. If you are having this type of problem, tryanothermethod of blocking, and if you use the right method ofblocking,you will never experience any problem.Now, I agree that crochet cotton seems to be thinner when yourunit through your fingers, but with the bulk of the work, is itreallythinner? If there is no bulk to that work, yes, it will seemtowrinkle easier than other materials, but it will block justaseasily or maybe even easier!
Family room design ideas 1.0
Retry Production
The house is a dream for every family, haveahouse with an attractive design would also be a dream foreveryfamily. Therefore, today many people are planning theconstructionof the house well with the goal of keeping theappearance of theirdream home become more beautiful, safe, andcomfortable to live. Sois the design of the room, the room designis planned as well aspossible in order to provide comfort forfamilies who live in thehouse.One room that is important for any home is the family room, iswherethe family atmosphere created by the family, therefore, thefamilyroom should be planned so as to create a comfortableatmosphere, andcertainly can add harmony in your family.Application of this family room design ideas presents somedesigndrawing family room beautiful and comfortable as yourreference forbuilding a modern living room, comfortable, and ofcourse cool whenseen eye.May be useful.
DIY Wedding Cards 1.0
Retry Production
Basically you have two options when youareconsidering your wedding invitation. You can hire a printer tomakethe wedding invitation for you. On the other hand, you canalsoadopt the idea of DIY wedding invitation and create thecardsyourself. You may have already thought about creating theweddingcards yourself. This can be a wise decision since a DIYweddingcard bears a lot of advantages.There is no doubt that budget is one of the most essentialissuesyou need to consider when you are planning your weddingstationery.In fact the cost of a DIY card can be just a fractionof aninvitation printed by the printing company. In terms ofproduction,the unit price of a card will only drop significantlyif thequantity of production is something like ten thousand. Itcan becertain that no one couple in the world will need thisquantity ofwedding cards. For DIY wedding cards, on the contrary,a lower unitprice can be attained even if you are going to makefifty piecesonly. As a result, DIY can be your best option if youare going tohold a wedding which is small in scale.Moreover, you will get more options for the design of thecards.The templates provided by most printing companies are usuallyoflimited choices. If you would like to have more choices or makeareally unique and special card, you may probably need to hireaprofessional designer to work out the design with you. However,itwill certainly imply that the budget will be a lot higher. Fortheidea of DIY, you may even choose to make every wedding cardunique.In this case every guest will receive a differentweddinginvitation. This in fact can be a very interesting idea ifallthese unique cards are somehow like puzzles. You may tellyourguests to bring the invitations to the reception and then youcanput the invitations together so that everyone can see thewholepicture of the puzzles. Your guests will be amazed when theyknowthat their invitations are part of a big puzzle design.You will probably print your wedding cards using your printerathome. Besides the printed part, you will also have parts thathasto be hand-made. Hand-made works can add a human touch tothewedding invitations. Besides, you will be proud of what youhavedone when you talk about your invitation with your guests.Theamazing part of a DIY card is that it is something made by you.Andthis will already make the wedding invitation a unique one.Even if you have enough budget and you are going to hireagraphic designer to design your wedding invitation with you, itisstill suggested that you ask your designer to leave part ofthedesign to be hand-made. As discussed above, it will makeyourwedding card more unique. The design will certainly be enhancedifthere is a hand-made part.
DIY Project Craft Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
Depending on the current condition ofyourhome, minor upgrades typically have a higher return on yourmoneythan tackling major renovations; the latter typically takeslongerand easily go over budget. However, not all updates improvethevalue of your property. Limit your home improvements tothelocation, value of neighboring homes, consumer demands ofthatarea. If you don't have exceptional skills at home renovations,ordon't see the work as a hobby, stick to minor repairs andinteriorupdates. While tackling larger renovations yourself maysave moneyupfront an end result screaming "novice craftsmanship"willultimately cost you more money than it would have if the workwasdone by a general contractor.A successful interior design project is not determined bythecost of its components. Keep an open mind and blend lessexpensivecomponents with a few chick pieces by visiting thriftstores,antique boutiques, and warehouse retail stores cateringtoMinneapolis, MN real estate owners. There are different ways todothis and you do not have to spend a lot. Find a few easytoreplicate ideas below.Add some Pizzazz Outside; It's what brings buyers inside:Thebest place to start your updates is outside. Increasing thecurbappeal of your home provides a great return on your money.o Clear up clutter, dig up overgrown trees and shrubs andreplacethem with newer less expensive shrubbery.o If you have the numerical portion of your address listed onyourhome, make sure they are visible and well kept.o Make sure your deck looks nice and fresh. Nothing hurts thelookof a home worse than a lackluster outdoor entertainmentarea.o Update your doors by applying a new coat of paint, newhardware,or change them completely. You can find closeout doors athomecenters, salvage yards, antique stores, flea markets, etc. Findadoor that matches your home style and discard old and worndoorsthat date your exteriorMake your interior sparkle on a budget: Once you have the buyerin,they are going to expect an interior on the same level ofqualityas they experienced outside. There are many ways to updatetheinterior of your home on a budget.o Clean and arrange the bedrooms, living room, bathroom andkitchenproperly. Consult the internet or your real estate agentforstaging tips.o Organize otherwise cluttered spaces such as under counters inthebathroom and kitchen inexpensively with lined wicker baskets.Storeaway everything from hairspray, makeup and medicinal itemstohousehold cleaners and linens that would detract from the beautyofyour home.o Give your home a fresh coat of paint and keep up withcurrentdesign trends, without being too trendy. Before you startpainting,study what most buyers are looking for. Spruce up onetoneinteriors with an accent wall -- a splash of color in anotherwisebeige room can be very appealing.Custom Artwork on a dime: Reuse disposable pieces ofyourfavorite products for custom wall art.Mix and match Drab and glam and create appealing Furniture onabudget: Each room within your home should have a lifestyle withawell defined function. Create unique room appropriate furnitureina jiffy.
Butterfly Tattoo Designs 1.0
Retry Production
Butterfly tattoos have become a growingtrendamong women compared to other tattoos that are available.Today youcan find different kinds of butterfly tattoos beingdesigned in avariety of colors and shapes. Adults as well asteenagers oftenvisit stores to choose from different butterflytattoos and getthem engraved on their body. Tattoo galleriesprovide a variety oftattoos that might have to spend time inselecting one that suitsyour choice. Some of the most popularchoices at the butterflytattoo gallery are Celtic Butterfly tattoo,Tribal Butterfly Tattooand several others. Most often the colorsused for butterflytattoos are red, yellow or green with differentdesigns, themes andstyles. There is also a combination in tattooslike with flowers oranimals. There are some tattoos which act as afashion statementwhile the others might have a specific meaning.The Experts design the tattoos on body parts in such a waythatthey bring life in butterflies. Glow look can also be giventothese tattoos which makes them even more attractive. Usinganimaltheme is much popular in the tattoo industry and inthisbutterflies are amongst common designs. While engraving atattoo onthe body, there can be a choice given by artists. Theyeither askthe customer for a butterfly of their choice or get thefreedom tomake one of their best designs. The artists areprofessionals ingetting the tattoo done on the body withoutdisturbing the clarity.The expert artists have the liberty toimagine the design and styleof the tattoos. Getting an armband orlower back butterflies tattoowould mark a great style statement.Butterflies tattoos supportedwith flowers or tattoos with somespecific meaning play animportant role in the modern tattooindustry.For several years now, women get butterfly tattoos done thathavesome meaning or a message to display. Attending parties withatattoo on the lower back has become a fashion today. The costofthe tattoo varies according to the size and design of thetattoo.People who can afford to spend more can ensure to avail thebestquality butterflies tattoo. However according to somestudiesconducted it shoes that there are more than 25000 speciesofbutterflies and getting a tattoo done from these would be agreattask. Butterfly tattoo signifies one of the delicate andbeautifulGod's creations on earth along with lively colors andimaginativedesigns they own. Artists can display their talents andget thebest tattoo done on your lower back. They have a great rangeinscreening their talents when tattoos are to be made onlowerbacks.Irrespective of the type of butterfly tattoo you select, youcanimmediately see the attractiveness that it holds. A tattoowithsome specific meaning can be a well-liked sketch for women.Abutterfly tattoo and different insect tattoos have become atrendand its popularity has increased from time to time. Afairybutterfly on lower back is a common tattoo.
Trendy Hairstyle for Men 1.0
Retry Production
We know as of today's modern man, orderandmodel of your hair style will certainly bolster yourconfidencelevels.The phrase that the hair is the crown of the head is notjustaddressed to you women, for men are hair can emit andinterpretyour true personality. The proof lately we see so many barber shop or salon devotedtomen. You do not need to bother with the assumption of metrosexualmalefigure at this time, just positive thinking guys, look moretrendy,fashionable and clean certainly do not harm others not? So,besmart guys, you are not the result of other people aboutyourvalues. As previously described looking haircut bother easy, you alsoneedto consider the shape of the face to choose the type ofhaircutthat fits for you: Model Angular Fringe Men's HaircutsModel this haircut, is one of the haircut is very popular andhasbeen widely implemented by all young people around theworld. Model Angular Fringe short haircut is very suitable for youwhoclosely follow the latest trends, makes you veryfashionable. Pieces of this type is a short haircut with a fringe is verythin,possibly in Indonesia known as BOB pieces. Model Men'sHaircutsCaesar's HaircutPieces caesar haircut itself has long been popular inWesterncountries, but on the model type haircut Caesar's today, ismuchmore modern than before.Caesar himself is the origin of the word comes fromJuliusCaesar.This haircut is kind Fringe / Bob / hair cut very thin edge. It is almost similar to the angular pieces, but at Caesar onourhair is cut shorter at about 2 CM. In this Caesar haircut model, the shape of the hair onoursekitar2-3 cm should be in the down position and not on thespikeupward, so it looks like Julius caesars or the Roman nobilityinhis Times, is an example of some Hollywood artists with piecesofCaesar's haircut Haircut , Model Haircuts Men Top KnotIn recent haircut model Top knots earn its place as one ofthemodels haircut men are popular. We also believe that this type of piece you must have often seeninpublic places. But frankly, many people assume that not everyoneissuitable with this haircut, yaa .. it all depends onyourown. For us nothing is not fit all depends on how you canfeelcomfortable, you can be confident in your style and fashion.But ifyou need a reference you can to hairstyle that suits yourfaceshape Back again with a top knot hair pieces, are actually top knot isahaircut model derived from man bun (bun). If you do not know how to model the haircut "Man Bun" youcanimagine as permuda artists with long hair, then roll up all ofherhair with a shape like a bun. Model haircut Top Knot is much shorter than Man Bun, usually haironyour measuring only 10-14 cm, the actual main point is jikanallyour hair can be collected in a single shaft. Besides differ in length hair, top knot hairstyle man alsohasdistinctive features under-cut to the edge of the hair.
Carport Design Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
If you're quite skillful with woodworkingtoolsand you like building, a new carport could very well be yournextproject. When you have excellent carport design plans, itcould be agreat addition to your home as well as a veryinexpensive way toincrease the resale value of yourproperty.If you don't have a garage or you do have one but often run intotheproblem of not having room in it since most of its space isused forstorage, building a carport is a very good solution tosuch dilemma.You can have a good place to park you car and protectit from theharsh elements and a carport won't cost you muchespecially ifyou're building it yourself.However, like any woodworking projects, there are some thingsyouneed to keep in mind in building your own carport. Somebasicpointers are discussed below:Selecting a LocationFirst, you need to select a good location for the structure. Ithasto be an area large enough and pretty convenient for you toparkyour car. Also, you have to verify if there are no gas orpowerlines, sewage tanks, water lines on the area. You mayencounterproblems with such when you have to dig the area toconstruct yourpoles.Additionally, you have to check with your local authority toensurethat you are in compliance with whatever building codesandregulation that's implemented in your area. Sometimes,theinspector will also have to check the exact location ofyourcarport to make sure it doesn't st on property lines orwetgrounds.Materials and CostNext thing is you have to have a list of materials and toolsyou'regoing to use. Preparing the tools and materials in advancewillhelp you complete the project more speedily since everythingyou'llever need is already prepared. The materials you're going touse isin proportion to the size of your carport so consider thisaswell.Another thing to keep in mind is the budget you have forthisproject. Before staring this project, or any woodworkingprojectfor that matter, you need to set a ballpark amount based onhowmuch you're willing to spend. This way, you can scour your areaforthe best priced supplier and you get the most out ofyourdollar.Carport Design PlansCarports are available in varying designs. You need to choosethedesign that's suitable for your needs as well as for the spaceyouhave available. In order to do that, you need to go over andcheckseveral carport design plans. This way, you can select adesignthat's best for you.Furthermore, you also need to choose quality plans to aid youwiththis project. The construction will go more smoothly if youhaveexcellent blueprints o guide you through the process. And youdon'thave to spend much time getting confused when theconstructionprocess is well illustrated even in the littledetails.v
DIY Seashell Craft 1.0
Retry Production
Wedding favors are little gifts that aremeantto be taken home by the guests after the wedding party isover.Whether you will choose store-bought souvenirs or homemadefavors,it will most likely depend on how early you have beenpanning forthem; creativity; budget; and of course your ownpreference. If youopt to purchase wedding favors, there areimmeasurable choices tochoose from and most of them can bepersonalized with both of yournames or monograms, wedding date anda short personal message orquote. The choices range from chocolatesand candies, candles,soaps, to coasters, tins and mini pictureframes. These are just afew to mention and among the items thatwere designed to bepersonalized with some personal details aboutthe wedding.Because of so many couples these days who are basing theirnuptialto a specific theme, most specialty stores offer pre-madefavors tosuit various themed weddings. Whether you are planning togo tobeach or hold it within the holiday season, you can find awidevariety of themed wedding favors to complete your special day.Ifyou opt to have a beach themed wedding, you can think of themostrelated favor ideas such as seashell gel candles, colorfulflipflops, picture frames embellished with seashells orstarfishdesigns and so on. You can also incorporate summer colorslikeyellow, oranges, green or pink.Wedding favors can also be something homemade. DIY favors areverypopular among couples these days that are on tight budget. Ifyouwill consider DIY favors, make sure that you have plenty oftimeleft to spend to make your own souvenirs. In this particularidea,you can invite a couple of friends and family members to helpyoumake your own wedding souvenirs at home.Making your own wedding favors is actually another great waytopersonalize mementos of your big day. Your guests willreallyappreciate and remember a heart-felt gift that no one hasmadeexcept you. DIY wedding favors also range from edible treatstotruly unique favors such as scrapbooks and etc. Depending onthefavors that you want to make, basic materials such ascellophane,candy bar wrappers, ribbons, tulle, favor bags, or favorboxes maybe needed. If you will be making homemade cookies,chocolates orjams, of course there is a need of little containersas you don'twant to leave them loose on the tables. Favor bags,boxes, jars andother containers are often available at local craftstores or youcan purchase them online.To add a more personalized touch on your DIY favors, tryputtingpersonalized tags, labels or stickers on the packages. Thisway,you can have your printed names, wedding date, and a thankyoumessage on your wedding favors, making them unique and trulyyourown. Other personalized favors can easily be found online. Ifyouopt to make your own unique wedding favors at home, researchonlineto find some more interesting and one of a kind ideas thatyou canuse for your wedding favors.
Ceiling Design Ideas 1.0
Retry Production
Textured ceiling designs are becoming moreandmore popular nowadays with people starting to get moreadventurouswith their home décor. Adding some color, texture andstyle to yourceiling can change the aspect of the entire room. Bysimplyremodeling the ceiling you can add depth and light todifferentrooms which can make a huge difference and can changetheappearance of the room without having to remodel everyfeature.Many people do not delve too far into the idea of creatingatextured ceiling design for their homes as they believe it to beaburdensome task which will require a lot of time and efforttocomplete. Though, if they were to price up the reality ofhavingtextured ceiling designs it is actually a very affordableandsimple procedure.There are many different ceiling types that are now available withavariety of patterns and textures including brush texturedceilings,metal ceiling tiles and many more. Some people are evenembarking onsome unconventional methods of design which allow youto use justabout anything to add some texture and pattern to yourceiling.Simply by getting some paint and a texturing comb, you canadd somevery vivid and imaginative texture a plain and simpleceiling. Aswell as being affordable, this creates a unique lookand adds apersonal touch to your home. A texturing comb isinexpensive andeasy to come by, while the application wouldconsist of texturepowder and water. Instead of using a texturecomb, you can be evenmore unique and creative by applying thetexture with differentobjects such as your hands, sponges ordifferent cloths. All ofthese will have a different texture,though be sure to experimentbefore you go ahead and start o theceiling.If you are looking for something more dramatic and on alargerscale, a coffered ceiling is one way in which you can adddepth andtexture to an otherwise plain ceiling. These patterns ofsunkenpanels add interest and quality to the surface of theceiling.Though having the ceiling coffered is one of the moreexpensivetextured ceiling designs, it is a dramatic and beautifulway ofrenovating a room and rejuvenating the atmosphere of aspace.Of course, if you have decided to go ahead and texture theceilingof your home by yourself, you will need to make sure you areawareof all the information before you start. It is a good ideatoalways consult a professional before doing any DIY work so thatyoumake sure you are aware of health and safety standards that needobe met. It is important to make sure the texture is applied inthecorrect way to make sure that the surface is correctly sealedandthat the fixtures are not compromised in any way.Textured ceiling designs are an innovative and creative way inwhichyou can add a new feel and impact to a room without having tohavemassive renovations. It is a simple, yet effective, way togive anold looking room a new lease of life.